
by The Wonky Tree

I don't know about you, but not being able to go to the Hairdressers during lockdown, has been HARD! We attempted cuts and colours, but it's just not the same. 

It looks like the 4th July is the day when Hairdressers are opening again. I was SO excited when i got the text from my Hairdresser, offering me that very date. For me it was extra special. It's our 5th wedding anniversary, and lets face it there is nothing better than having your hair done for those special occasions like Birthdays, Anniversarys, and Weddings. 

So I jumped at the chance. I means I will be all ready for that lovely Anniversary surprise that my Husband has in store for me. I can picture it now. Sat in the garden, opening all my lovely presents and Anniversary Cards, and feeling a million dollars, because my hair has just been done. 

I think it was one of the things I missed most about this lockdown. Even though we have not been able to celebrate Birthdays and Anniversary's with friends, it's still makes you feel great, even if you are only on a Zoom call!  

Now I know that some of you have been really cheeky with your zoom calls. You make sure that the top half of your body is perfect, but you are still wearing your pyjama bottoms!  No one will ever know you say. And that is so true. There will be no Birthday celebration photographs, to stamp it in history, BUT I bet that you will remember for years to come what you were wearing during that Zoom Birthday/Catch Up/ Family get together call! 

Anyway, you get my point. Having your hair done, is essential for your mental health, and I can't wait for 4th July :)