Piccadilly greeting card

The Happiest of Birthdays


An elegant, understated, sophisticated greeting card range from Cinnamon Aitch called Piccadillly. Beautiful monochromatic hand-drawn illustrations are combined with photographic details and silver foiled text to depict scenes of celebration & appreciation. Hand finished using a combination of silver sparkly gems and delicate bows. They are absolutely gorgeous. Watch the video which highlights all the special features.

TEXT INSIDE: Blank inside for your own message
SIZE: 15 x 15cm

All Piccadilly XL greeting cards 
- are printed on a quality paperstock
- are hand finished with gems and bows
- and are printed in the UK


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An elegant, understated, sophisticated greeting card range from Cinnamon Aitch called Piccadillly. Beautiful monochromatic hand-drawn illustrations are combined with photographic details and silver foiled text to depict scenes of celebration & appreciation. Hand finished using a combination of silver sparkly gems and delicate bows. They are absolutely gorgeous. Watch the video which highlights all the special features.

TEXT INSIDE: Blank inside for your own message
SIZE: 15 x 15cm

All Piccadilly XL greeting cards 
- are printed on a quality paperstock
- are hand finished with gems and bows
- and are printed in the UK


Current Stock:
HANDWRITING SERVICE: We can handwrite all cards and post direct to your recipient. Just select from the above drop down sending options. DESPATCH DETAILS: We despatch all orders the same day! FREE POSTAGE: All orders over £20 qualify for free postage! Just select the free postage option at checkout. SAME DAY DELIVERY: We offer SAME DAY delivery to GL52 GL50 GL20 GL51 GL53 - for all orders received before 4pm

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